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Team Principle 4.4

Displaying a high level of industry knowledge is key for any successful agency. With the fast-paced evolution of the pharmaceutical industry, independent research is simply not enough to stay on top of trends and ongoing complexities of evolving guidelines and regulations.

At MEDUCOM, we hold everyone accountable to actively take charge of developing their industry knowledge, to be seen as an informed and trusted partner for clients and healthcare professionals. Below are some of the tactics we use at MEDUCOM to ensure continuing development in this area among the team:

  1. Industry events and networking

  2. MEDUCOM journal clubs

  3. Mentorship sessions (internal and external)

  4. Professional development courses

  5. Team MEDUSchools

  6. Client advisory board meetings

  7. Regular discussions with industry associations

  8. Company wide innovation workshops

All MEDUCOM team members are highly invested in the brands they work on, and the clients they serve. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to be seen as strategic industry experts. Our industry expertise enables us to provide holistic insights to go beyond individual projects and help elevate brands.



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