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Tips for Successful In-person Meetings

What does a successful in-person meeting look like to you?

As travel restrictions continue to lift, we are seeing more industry events return to in-person, and we couldn’t be more excited! As Canadians begin to feel more comfortable travelling to regional and national meetings, we have compiled our top 3 tips for running a successful meeting.

  1. Build an engaging agenda with workshop opportunities: While didactic presentations work well for shorter virtual meetings, try to offer your in-person attendees with opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and to hear from their peers. Small breakout group activities or rotating workshops can be a great way to break up didactic presentations.

  2. Leverage virtual tools that complement your in-person meeting: Try incorporating interactive virtual tools that get your participants involved. Setting up online polling throughout your in-person meeting, real-time whiteboard activities and virtual gamification are great ways to keep your crowd engaged and on topic.

  3. Create a post-meeting evaluation: Getting feedback immediately following your meeting with custom evaluation surveys can help you learn where your meeting excelled and where you can improve future meetings. Some participants might not be willing to share their thoughts in front of the group, so anonymous evaluation surveys give each person the opportunity to provide their feedback.

Although virtual meetings will still make up a large portion of meetings in the near future, we are all looking forward to getting back to in-person meetings and making them better than before!


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