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World Cancer Day – February 4, 2019

Today is #WorldCancerDay, an opportunity to speak about a disease that affects millions of people around the world each year. This year and for the next 3 years, the World Cancer Day campaign slogan is #IAmAndIWill, a powerful call to action for every citizen of the world to reduce the impact of cancer for your communities.

Today, MEDUCOM took part in a pop quiz to learn more about how cancer affects us at the individual, country and world levels. The quiz had questions around the Union for International Cancer Control’s eight key issues, the first one being awareness and understanding. In learning more about cancer, we become aware of the facts, empowering us to spread our knowledge and dispel myths along the way.

MEDUCOM’s activity was just one of hundreds of initiatives run across the globe today. To see some of the other events, visit the World Cancer Day “Map of Impact”:!?viewall=on (search for Canada and you can find MEDUCOM’s activity on there)!

To learn more about #WorldCancerDay and how you can take action, visit

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