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Today, Sunday, May 8th is World Ovarian Cancer Day

Every year, World Ovarian Cancer Day is the opportunity to raise our voices and awareness in the fight against ovarian cancer. Of cancers that affect women, ovarian cancer is the most lethal and there are no reliable screening tests available resulting in delays in diagnosis. Given these delays, most people are diagnosed once the cancer has already advanced or spread, making it more difficult to treat. However, there are several earning warning signs that have been identified in the 12 months prior to diagnosis.

This year, the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition is working to raise awareness of these 5 facts so we can get to #NoWomanLeftBehind #NoPersonLeftBehind! From our team at MEDUCOM, consider sharing these facts with the women in your life:

📌Five Facts everyone should know about ovarian cancer.

1️⃣ A Pap test (cervical smear test) does not detect ovarian cancer

2️⃣ Ovarian cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage

3️⃣ Diagnosing ovarian cancer before it spreads makes it much more treatable

4️⃣ Symptom awareness might lead to a more rapid diagnosis

5️⃣ Common symptoms include:

🎈persistent bloating

🍽 difficulty eating

🤭 feeling full quickly

⚡️pelvic/abdominal pain

🧻urinary symptoms



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