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The Golden Rule: Effective CME Starts with Adult Learning Theory

In the current era of hybrid learning and omnichannel engagement strategies, conceptualizing the right continuing medical education (CME) program for your customers can be a complex process to navigate. At MEDUCOM, we apply adult learning principles to maximize engagement and information retention in all learning programs. If you want to optimize HCP impact, recall, and ultimately improve patient outcomes, consider the below in your next CME initiative:

Provide Value with a Learner-centric Design: Learning should be problem-centered rather than content-centered. Conduct frequent needs assessments to understand the everyday clinical challenges, motivation and skill levels. Offer options that allow learners to customize their learning journey.

Prioritize Active Participation: A higher level of cognitive activity can be achieved with more active learner involvement during the CME. Low content CME involving worksheets, tasks and quizzes is the best way to facilitate learning.

Make an Impact with Focused Microlearning: Brief lessons that center on one learning outcome eliminate wandering attention, time wasting, and irrelevant material. Minimizing the length and complexity of individual sessions helps learners retain information more effectively.

Create Connections for Peer-to-Peering Learning: Networking has always been an important component of effective CME programs. Create connections by asking participants to share their assignments with each other and provide constructive feedback during the session.

This encourages peer-to-peer learning and helps build a sense of mentorship community.

Interested to learn how you can use adult learning theory to create an effective CME program for your customers? Chat with us!

Written by Rachel McGowan


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