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Team Principle 3.2

At MEDUCOM, we strive to develop and deliver strategic and high-quality work to the healthcare community. To achieve this, we recognize and value the importance of persistently seeking opportunities to improve and optimize our internal processes.

A few strategies we use include:

  • Structured project evaluation – Burst meetings are held at every major milestone during the project to ensure we are on track to deliver our best work. We also hold debriefs after completing a project to reflect on all aspects of the project and identify any opportunities to optimize our processes.

  • Optimization reporting – Any time a poor outcome occurs, it goes through our optimization reporting system. Every quarter, our team openly analyzes these reports so we can apply any learnings to future projects.

  • Client feedback – We send out client satisfaction surveys after projects to ensure our perceptions of the outcome of a project are aligned with yours! We are open to all feedback so we can continue to improve our services.

Providing sufficient opportunity for reflection and actively applying key learnings to optimize our processes are important components of the structure we have in place to produce high-quality work.

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