MEDUCOM Principles in Action
Fostering a culture where individuals naturally align and share values has always been an important aspect of success at MEDUCOM Health Inc. This became even more apparent to us through the pandemic when people were working remotely, and new members of the team had less opportunity to learn about our way of working. Hence, we initiated the development of MEDUCOM PRINCIPLES: YOUR GUIDE TO SUCCESS (shout out to Ray Dalio for the inspiration!). After a thorough and iterative development process with cross-functional stakeholders, we launched our Principles to the team in 2021. Through early 2022, we leveraged time at our Friday gatherings to reflect on each principle and hear how the team saw them in action that week. What started as a conversation lead by managers turned into the entire team facilitating discussion about how the Principles spoke to them. We crafted these Principles with the intention to guide our team on how to embody the highest standards of professional contribution, leadership and personal success. As we continue to integrate our Principles into our systems, including upcoming performance reviews, we are realizing that the value goes beyond success at MEDUCOM, and could support anyone looking to make a difference at their organization. As such, we decided to share our Principles with the world, and hope that it encourages meaningful conversation. Each week, we will post a Principle accompanied by a contextual example from a member of our team. We welcome you to reflect on how these principles could apply to your professional or personal life. #MEDUCOMPrinciplesInAction