COVID & Digital Transformation
For years, companies have dabbled with digital offerings and innovations to stay ahead of the curve to provide cutting edge services to consumers. With COVID came a forced a transition to the digital world where some companies thrived and others were forced to adapt to survive. What will these organizations look like post-pandemic?
A recent Harvard Business Review article highlighted the differences between digitizing and digital transformation. While many companies accelerated their rollout of digital initiatives, many executives have expressed concern they are falling behind on making the important choices that lead to differentiation.
The article featured the recent successes of companies including Philips, Microsoft and Komatsu that were hard at work to transform their way of working long before the pandemic and have managed to maintain momentum throughout it. What do these companies have in common? That leaders who want to secure their organization’s future must:
Envision your new place in the world instead of focusing on digitizing what you already do. To create value for your consumers, you must challenge your way of working and your beliefs about where this value comes from.
Create value through ecosystems, rather than trying to do it all alone. To be successful in the digital age, we need to work network of players to deliver comprehensive services that bring value to consumers.
Reimagine your organization to make way for new ways of working and organizational models. Changing up the power structure to encourage the flow of new ideas and capabilities, while enabling these ideas to be scaled more collaboratively.
At MEDUCOM, we love working with our clients to find and create solutions to meet their needs. While right now this is predominantly digital, it’s much more than how we work, it’s what we do to ensure we are creating value for our clients.
- Kaleigh