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Company Principles 1.4

At MEDUCOM we pride ourselves on delivering high quality, strategic work and we hold our people to extremely high standards to ensure these expectations are met. We have numerous processes in place to uphold our quality standards, but accountability and transparency are at the forefront of their success.

Learning from situations that may not have gone as planned is one way that helps us ensure we have the right processes in place. Earlier this year we rolled out an optimization report to the team with the purpose of capturing any situation the team felt could have been better executed, the level of severity of the situation and the corrective actions taken. These reports are reviewed on a regular basis and the broader learnings are shared with the team as needed.

For this to be successful we rely on our team to stay accountable to their actions and be willing to transparently share their learnings. We ask all team members regardless of position or tenure to submit an optimization report, and it has been encouraging to see the team holding others accountable and taking ownership of their own actions as well.

It’s okay to make mistakes, but its how we learn from them that is the most important. Those who consistently embody our high standards and amplify them in others are trusted with more autonomy and responsibility, ultimately leading to more opportunities for growth for them within the company.



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