Combatting Zoom Fatigue
As we navigate another wave of COVID and enter another year with minimal live interactions, Zoom (videoconferencing) is our new normal. The increased use of videoconferencing platforms has highlighted the ease and convenience of remote work.
However, there are also drawbacks to videoconferencing that have negative effects on workers. This has given rise to the term “Zoom fatigue.” Stanford University breaks Zoom fatigue into 5 subgroups: emotional, motivational, visual, social, and general fatigue. If you find yourself feeling moody, unmotivated, anxious to interact with others, or just burnt out after a day of videoconferencing, you may be experiencing Zoom fatigue.
To minimize these negative feelings, try hiding your self-view, reducing the number of back-to-back calls, or scheduling a meeting-free day. More complex solutions include adding an external webcam or a standing desk to your workstation, to give your body and your eyes a break and some distance from your screen. Experts also recommend planning videoconferences for social events that you enjoy, to promote a positive association with these platforms.
It is clear videoconferencing is here to stay and as we adjust to our new normal, it is important that we continue finding strategies to maximize work productivity while maintaining our mental health and wellness.
Try the Stanford Communications Zoom Exhaustion & Fatigue (ZEF) Survey below to see how Zoom fatigue may be affecting you: