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April 17th is World Hemophilia Day

April 17th is World Hemophilia Day, an opportunity to increase awareness for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. This year’s theme is “Sharing Knowledge”. By raising awareness through educational initiatives, we can help empower and support individuals in the hemophilia community.

Hemophilia is a group of rare hereditary disorders which impair the body’s ability to control blood clotting. Individuals with hemophilia have lower levels of clotting factor in the blood, resulting in prolonged bleeding episodes. There are several different types of hemophilia, however, the most common form is hemophilia A (deficiency in clotting factor VIII), which affects ~1 in 5,000 male births.

Most bleeding in hemophilia often occurs spontaneously into the joints or muscles. If left untreated, severe cases can be life-threatening. However, successful treatment options with replacement clotting factor concentrate can help patients control their blood hemostasis levels. Adherence to prophylaxis regimens with a replacement factor can reduce or prevent joint damage and improve quality of life.

To help engage members of the hemophilia community, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) has developed an eLearning platform for clinical and patient-focused resources. The platform features more than 500 resources, including treatment guides, fact sheets, educational games and interactive modules.

Each year, members of the community also show their support by “Lighting It Up Red”. As part of a global campaign, thousands of people worldwide unite by lighting up several landmarks across the world in red lights. Be sure to take part in this initiative to show support for all people with bleeding disorders.

For more information on hemophilia and how you can help spread awareness, please visit:

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