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February 28, 2018 is the 11th International Rare Disease Day. On the last day of February every year, hundreds of rare disease patient organisations around the world hold awareness-raising events. A rare disease is one that affects less than 1 in 2000 persons in their lifetime. While this may seem like a small issue, one in twelve Canadian will be affected by a rare disease.

The theme for 2018’s Rare Disease Day is “Research,” described as a “global call on policy makers, researchers, companies and healthcare professionals to increasingly and more effectively involve patients in rare disease research.”

MEDUCOM has worked in several rare diseases over the years and we know how important research and treatment options are to these patients and their familites. To show our support and help raise awareness some of our staffers participated in the #ShowYourRare campaign, which involves painting your face and posting it to social medial with the hastags #ShowYourRare #MyRare and #RareDiseaseDay.

We’re hoping for lots of new research in the year to come!

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