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Need More Hours in the Day?

​​​When busy times hit, it’s easy to become lost in the workload and distracted by a mounting to do list. At a time when efficiency and productivity are needed most, they can be the hardest to find. We all have different ways to manage busy schedules, however here are a few tips that I find keep me on track when I just can’t find enough hours in the day.

•Arrive early and map out your day. Set small, task level goals that are achievable in a short timeframe. Crossing items off your to do list is extra motivation to keep going!

•If a backlog of emails distracts you from your tasks at hand, come in early to clear them or designate non-business hours to complete tasks when emails slow down for the day

•Set aside a block of time each day to achieve regular daily tasks (returning emails, record keeping, follow-up) that get pushed aside in busy periods

•We are hyper productive for only a couple hours at a time. Take short breaks throughout the day. Take 10 minutes to walk around the block or grab a coffee. It will improve productivity in the long term.

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